Tuesday 18 February 2014


Before the traditional model there were two other kinds of education:
  • Preceptoral model
  • Pretraditional model
Preceptoral model:
This model was implemented over 2000 before Christ until 20th century. It wasn't a normal school. The lessons weren't given in classrooms because educational act was given in different spaces, as the library, at home or in the office.
This model is called "Preceptoral model" because there was a teacher who was guiding the students and was teaching them in an individual way. The principal subject was the general culture.

Positive aspects: 
  • Few number of students
  • It wasn't necessary to buy educational materials
  • There wasn't a closed space organization
Negative aspects:
  • Physical punishment
  • Social elitism

Pretraditional or primitive model:
This model was conceived between the 17th and 18th century and it was motivated by an economical motive. It was like preceptoral model but there were more students and it was a caos. Unlike in the preceptoral model, in Pretraditional model there was a classroom. The teacher was individualist over the students. 

Positive aspects:
  • There weren't disciplinary skills
Negative aspects:
  • Physical punishment
  • Caos 
  • A lot of students
  • There wasn't pedagogy
After this two models we find the appearance of Traditional model.

Traditional model:
This model was conceived since 19th century until actuality. It is based on a rigorous order. The space is organized to control the students. The education is equal to discipline. The didactics begins. The education is authoritarian, the education is across the speech of the teacher, the model is the classic culture and there is a racionalist conception of the human. 

There are 3 authors:

  • Jan Amos Komenský/ Comenius (1592-1670): Theologian, philosopher and pedagogue born in the Czech Republic. His more important work is the Great Didactics. He is considered to be the father of the pedagogy.It introduces the term of the development for stages and for ages. This pedagogue adds also that a learning has to come after another learning.
  • Bell and Lancaster (s.XIX): Monitoral system and Mutual education.
  • San Juan Bosco (1815-1888): he works with young guys in the street and he develops a preventive system of education.

  • Information extracted from Raquel Cercós, teacher of the UB of the department of theory and history of the education

    1 comment:

    1. Learning theories have been developed for a long time, most of which after an initial success have been forgotten. The educational process is very complex and can’t handle drastic solutions as has been demonstrated throughout history.

      At the moment, we believe that the traditional school was an important change, but actually, it becomes a rigid system and nothing dynamic or innovator.

      Finally, we believe that the ideal school is one that leaves the child and don’t put impediments to doing activities. That school appreciates the efforts made by the children to solve problems and tries to develop intelligence, the child attention and gives everything that they need.

      Susana Fustà i Anna Cunill
