Wednesday 4 June 2014

Learning communities

1. What is a learning community?
The learning communities are transformation projects to change the education and eliminate the school failure. 

2. What kind of pedagogic method is used in a learning community?
Dialogic method. This method was introduced by Paulo Freire and it is about an interactive dialogue between students, to get the equity of opportunities. Doesn't mind the social position of the student or his story at school, the most important are his contributions to the dialogue. 

3. An example. 
There was an African woman who never participated in the school meetings, where all families were invited. She didn't participate because she couldn't understand the Spanish language. One day, the director decided to change his speaking language to French, and suddenly the African woman started to talk, she coul speak Freanch fluently because she was from an African country where they spoke this language. 
From this meeting a course of French was created and the teacher was the African woman. 

"Everybody has something positive to show". 

4. Participation
Learning Communities are open places and spaces, which invite all the people from the community, school, neighborhood... and all kind of professional people related to education. 
The main goal of this kind of work is to create a really strong community, where learnings are real and developed in their own context; as families participate, also poor families or those with less resources can learn and share their knowledge and experiences with others. 

5. Activities
Dialogic Gatherings, this kind of activity consists on choosing a book between all the participants, reading some pages or parts of the book and then, all together, to talk and to discuss about what they have read and their personal impressions and opinions. 

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