Monday 24 March 2014

Five principles of effective second language acquisition

Vocabulary instruction in Byki (Before you know it)
Now, we are going to tell you what it is. For years, to learn a foreign language we focused on grammar and sentences and then on vocabulary. Nowadays instead, there has been a change that demonstrates that learning vocabulary first leads to more success. Byki is an acronym for “Before you know it” and following we are going to show the five principles of effective vocabulary learning.
1. Present new word frequently and repeatedly in input. That’s means that to learn and know correctly a word you have to use it in different contexts and use it in several situations.
2. Use meaning-bearing comprehensible input when presenting new words. So, not only you have to input new vocabulary in different contexts but you have to show the sound and pronunciation of this word too.
3. Limit forced output during the initial stages of learning new words. It isn’t correct to force the children to do sentences or use a word in a sentence until you know this word appropriately. Then, the child has to embrace the meaning in order to make a sentence with logical.

4. Limit forced semantic elaboration during the initial stages of learning new words.
The article emphasizes the idea of associate the word with his meaning. You can do it with flash cards that have the foreign language terms and their native language meanings.

5. Progress from less demanding to more demanding vocabulary-related activities. This principle says that is more effective to learners take up with easy words and once you know it, learn others. The Byki exercises progress from easier to more challenging, and that’s way, learners build their confidence and motivate their selves to carry on with the foreign language.

To sum up we have learned that we have to prevent in the first period the construction of sentences and take up a solid vocabulary in order to achieve to control successfully a new language.

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